What we do

Technologies and methodologies for business

We contribute to the growth of the competitivity of the local economic system through activities focused on innovation, support for digitalization, the expansion of centers of excellence, and the creation of new innovative companies, with an hands-on approach aimed at achieving results.

We promote the adoption of new technologies by businesses, nurture startups and technology-intensive young companies, and offer pathways for digital transformation and access to new models of additive manufacturing and prototyping.

The organization of activities into specialized areas allows TEC4I FVG to efficiently manage resources and maximize positive impacts on the regions. Each area is based on a complex yet organized and structured system consisting of tools, infrastructure, teams of specialists, market and institutional initiatives, collaborations, and partnerships: the HUBs.

Get in touch with us

For more information, research and development laboratories, certification centers, high-tech startups and academic spin-offs.

Friuli Innovazione Società consortile a responsabilità limitata
Via Jacopo Linussio, 51 - 33100 Udine
Tel (+39) 0432 629911 - Email info@tec4ifvg.it
P. IVA 02159640305 - C.F. 94070140309 fondo consortile € 3.696.000