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The project aims to improve the entrepreneurial skills and in particular the digital skills of SMEs that belong in various ways to the mobility sector (for example the whole chain that goes from design to production of vehicles, be it bicycles, freight trains, boats or hang gliders).
Thanks to the collaboration with centers of competence equipped in the program area (project partners), heterogeneous professional figures (designers, craftsmen, skilled workers, industrial designers, students, etc.) will work together and learn innovative techniques - in particular related to the potential of additive manufacturing and industry 4.0 - useful for developing new products and starting new businesses.

The project is aimed above all at those craftsmen who create high-end products and who, thanks to new approaches and new techniques, could become the engine of an economic rebirth of "shop" activities in the mobility industry, on which we intend make a holistic reflection, taking up the themes of sustainability and accessibility of the cross-border area as opportunities to be developed.

Description of activities

The project develops through two main phases, as follows.
1. I4.0 skills development in cross-border SMEs
By leveraging the infrastructures present in the research centers of the cross-border area (Friuli Innovazione, Additive laboratory, Lean Experience Factory, SiEVA), this project intends to take a further step forward in the reskilling of professional profiles within the mobility industry. The goal is to give access to new skills typically I4.0 through a learning by doing approach and above all to train the most qualified professionals to enhance their skills - enriched with the technological aspect - in a creative way within the reference sector of mobility. The chance offered to "touch"enabling technologies I4.0 first hand should favor a fruitful hybridization between various skills and segments of the value chain, leading to the creation of new companies and products.
2. Development of new entrepreneurial approaches, new business models and new products in the mobility industry
In this phase, the results of the previous one will be capitalized with a series of actions aimed at promoting the creation of new products, business models and companies thanks to the hybridization of skills and different segments of the value chain. In particular, the activities that will favor the achievement of these results will aim at the use of enabling technologies in the area, in particular 3D printing in a collaborative and trans-sectoral way. The project will promote the personalized design of mobility products (from electric bikes, to cars, to boats) involving artisanal professionals capable of working with digital skills.

Planned results

The project will lead to an increase of cross-border activities for the transfer of enabling technologies linked to advanced manufacturing among all the players in the value chain of the mobility industry, leading to the development of new methods to bridge the gap in highly specialized skills. necessary to make the industrial revolution 4.0 possible in the program area.
• Increase in the capacity of key innovation actors and greater involvement in cross-border actions for the development of the innovation system.
• Development of new business ideas in the mobility sector, aimed both at the development of innovative start-ups and at the hybridization between traditional and innovative companies.
• New products in the mobility sector, developed thanks to the exploitation of new digital skills.
• Reduce the gap between the education and training system and the labor market, involving students, apprentices in the development of improved and "innovated" products.
• Update and redesign the skills of the craft sector in a digital key and oriented towards Industry 4.0.
Description of the cross-border collaboration (added value)

The added value of cross-border collaboration is mainly provided by the possibility of sharing laboratories and research infrastructures already equipped with tools, spaces and machinery dedicated to the strengthening and development of new skills aimed at Industry 4.0 technologies. Partners can make their infrastructures available as places for knowledge transfer, as well as enhance the training offer already present, the knowledge of business development methodologies and the networks developed respectively at cross-border and local level.

Get in touch with us

For more information, research and development laboratories, certification centers, high-tech startups and academic spin-offs.