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SMART-INNO is a project approved by the IPA Adriatic cross-border cooperation program.
Research and innovation by SMEs in the Adriatic area are characterized by low competitiveness and technological capacity. To address the effects of the crisis, the investment priority should be on smart strategies that strengthen cooperation between research institutions and economic development actors, and ensure the sustainability and capitalization of innovation results, especially for developing countries. development. New strategies should optimize technology transfer, support emerging sectors, and drive cross-border innovation. The general objective of the project is to develop a smart cross-border network to monitor and support research and the ability to innovate SMEs and start-ups to increase their competitiveness. Furthermore, we intend to support sustainable growth of SMEs and start-ups through the design and implementation of financial tools and coaching and mentoring programs on how to improve "investment readiness".


  • Provincia di Rimini 
  • Unioncamere Veneto, Italia
  • Friuli Innovazione – Udine, Italia
  • Tecnopolis Parco Scientifico e Tecnologico – Bari, Italia
  • Sipro agenzia provinciale per lo sviluppo – Ferrara, Italia
  • Agenzia per l’innovazione nell’amministrazione e nei servizi pubblici locali – Pesaro, Italia
  • Directorate for development of SMEs – Podgorica, Montenegro
  • Uzice Regional Chamber of Commerce, Serbia
  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia – Belgrado, Serbia
  • Regional development agency of Inner-Karst region – Pivka, Slovenia
  • Regional development centre Koper – Capodistria, Slovenia
  • Primorska technology park, Slovenia
  • Lir Evolution - Banja Luka, Bosnia-Erzegovina
  • Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Pola - Croazia
  • Istrian development agency, Pola - Croazia
  • Atlantis Consulting, Salonicco - Grecia
  • European Regional Framework Co-operation (ERFC), Corfù - Grecia
  • Auleda Local economic development agency, Valona, Albania

From november 2013 to march 2016


Get in touch with us

For more information, research and development laboratories, certification centers, high-tech startups and academic spin-offs.