The SIAA project, funded by the European Territorial Cooperation Program Interreg V-A Italy Austria 2014-2020, aims to promote and develop innovative solutions in response to the pressing contemporary social challenges of the Alps-Adriatic region. Specifically, SIAA promotes collaborations between public administrations, universities / higher institutions, incubators and social entrepreneurs for the promotion of innovative solutions, generating social and economic impact in areas such as: Welfare, Healthcare, Cultural Heritage, Circular Economy, Food & Agriculture. In line with the 17 objectives identified in the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development of the United Nations and starting from the analysis of the social challenges of the cross-border area, the objective of the first phase is the identification of good practices and target groups relevant to purposes of creating a map of the ecosystem of social entrepreneurship. In the second phase, thanks to the collaboration between university partners and business incubators, SIAA envisages the following actions:
- 1. devising and implementing a transnational training path for the consolidation of skills aimed at developing ideas with social impact (coming from both employees of public administrations both from social entrepreneurs) and
- 2. implementation of an acceleration program for the development of the best projects (pilot action).
For more information, research and development laboratories, certification centers, high-tech startups and academic spin-offs.
Friuli Innovazione Società consortile a responsabilità limitata Via Jacopo Linussio, 51 - 33100 Udine Tel (+39) 0432 629911 - Email P. IVA 02159640305 - C.F. 94070140309 fondo consortile € 3.696.000
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