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The PROFIS project is an initiative funded by the South-East Europe (SEE) Transnational Cooperation Program.
PROFIS is aimed at developing new skills and knowledge in the regions involved in order to encourage early stage financing of entrepreneurial and start-up projects.

The partners are organizations active in the field of innovation promotion at a regional or national level, which aim to create a network to facilitate the technology transfer and financing of innovative business projects. PROFIS contributes to regional economic development and the creation of an innovation policy, identifying the challenges to be pursued, promoting good practices and proposing new solutions and opportunities.


  • Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. for Applied Research - Hungary; Lead Partner 
  • Universitas – Győr nonprofit Ltd. – Hungary
  • Inova Nova – Slovakia
  • Friuli Innovazione Research and Technology Transfer centre – Italy
  • TP-LJ Technology Park Ljubljana Ltd. – Slovenia
  • Styrian Business Promotion Agency – Austria
  • National Institute for Research and Development in Electrical Engineering ICPE-CA – Romania
  • Varazdin County Development Agency – Croatia
  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Banja Luka Region – Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Uzice Regional Chamber of commerce – Serbia


Get in touch with us

For more information, research and development laboratories, certification centers, high-tech startups and academic spin-offs.