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INPRO is a project funded by the EU under the Horizon2020 program.

The three partner agencies will compare each other to make their action more effective on common ground: support for innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). In particular, we want to optimize the support programs for SMEs in the field of Industrial Property (IP), in order to improve their knowledge, as well as the awareness of the potential for protection offered by the various titles of the right, with the aim of defending and exploiting at best the solutions conceived, to enhance the competitiveness of the SMEs themselves and to favor internationalization paths.

Particular attention will be paid to SMEs belonging to the Creative Industries sector (eg furniture, home automation, design, etc.), even if the recommendations developed will be valid also for researchers, designers, and in general various professionals operating in the CIs. The INPRO project responds to the H2020 call for proposals "Peer learning of innovation agencies INNOSUP-5-2014".


  • FINN – Friuli Innovazione, Centro di Ricerca e di Trasferimento Tecnologico, Lead Partner - Italia
  • JSI – Jozef Stefan Institute – Slovenia
  • AIDIMME – Technology Institute on Furniture, Wood, Packaging - Spagna


The purpose of the INPRO project is to:

  • create a peer learning group of at least 12 innovation experts from the 3 regions involved who, using the Twinning Advanced methodology recognised at a European level to exchange knowledge, will discuss how to strengthen the regional and/or national programs supporting Industrial Property, as well as the IP services for SMEs offered by innovation agencies;
  • identify good practices and support programs for SMEs in terms of Industrial Property in Europe to be transferred to the local/regional/national programs;
  • launch a pilot action in Italy, Slovenia and Spain (on at least 15 users in total) to test a new IP support service;
  • establish a strategic partnership between the innovation agencies involved in the INPRO project to ensure long-term peer learning activities on improving SME support programs in terms of Industrial Property.

To achieve its objectives the INPRO project will facilitate the exchange of know-how among the participants on:

  • the main difficulties encountered among the partners in offering support services in the field of Industrial Property for SMEs;
  • identifying of "best practices" within the partnership and the "best practices" available at a European level, which can be implemented within local support programs;
  • how to improve IP support services with SME targets, especially addressed to the Creative Industries sector focussing on the "Home" (e.g. furniture, home automation, design, etc.);
  • strengthening quality procedures in IP audits;
  • improving the administrative and "back-office" aspects in the management of Industrial Property support programs, both for SMEs as well as on a public level.

Industrial property is a fundamental asset for businesses in general and more so for SMEs operating in the Creative Industries sector as an incentive to individual creativity and a tool for competitiveness on the market. Nevertheless, this added value is still poorly perceived, likewise the potential offered by the IP tools are hardly known and exploited. By using the Twinning+ methodology, INPRO will lead to compiling a Design Options Paper (DOP), which will be used as a guide for other agencies to design programs and provide more effective services related to Industrial Property supporting the SMEs.

Start date: 1st of August 2016


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For more information, research and development laboratories, certification centers, high-tech startups and academic spin-offs.