Un migliore accesso ai finanziamenti per la ricerca orientata al mercato.

Funding schemes for market-oriented research and innovation are rare in Central Europe. Financial service providers and policymakers often shy away from presenting such schemes due to their complexity.

The FI4NN project is changing this dynamic by supporting the co-design of new financial instruments in regions that aim to promote research and innovation. It establishes a knowledge center that promotes the innovation of existing and new financial instruments.

Project Start Date: 06/2023

Project End Date: 05/2026


  • Regional Development Agency in Bielsko-Biała
  • SERN - Startup Europe Regions Network
  • Chamber of Commerce of Slovenia
  • Business and Investment Development Agency CzechInvest
  • Impact Hub GmbH
  • Finpiemonte
  • Build! Gründerzentrum Kärnten GmbH
  • Cooperative for ethical financing
  • Express Innovation Agency VMV Nonprofit PLC (Private Limited Company)


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For more information, research and development laboratories, certification centers, high-tech startups and academic spin-offs.