Clustrat is a project approved and funded by the INTERREG Central Europe program. The project aims to develop common policies that allow existing clusters of traditional sectors to exploit new and promising markets in order to create new clusters based on emerging industries. More specifically, the project enabled policymakers to implement a strategy based on new cluster concepts to support emerging economic sectors, cross-cutting technologies and cross-sector themes.
The aim of the project was to make the Central European area a model region to develop new cluster concepts that allow traditional sector clusters to intertwine with new emerging industries such as active aging, sustainable development and sustainable mobility . This is done by promoting the potential of the cross-cutting issues that affect the development and activities of the cluster, in particular gender and innovation, technology transfer and internationalization. The objectives of the project have been achieved through a political dialogue at regional, national and trans-national level to define the setting for a process of exchange, learning and decision-making. An initial mapping of existing clusters to show potential in each partner region regarding selected future challenges and related emerging industries. Smart specialization combines the existing economic and innovation structure with key enabling technologies, enabling partners to focus on those areas where they have the most potential to become technology or market leaders. A systematic analysis of cluster potential in relation to emerging sectors and cross-cutting issues in Central Europe to stimulate the development of new clusters, through transnational cooperation of existing districts and pilot actions to test the elements of the strategy followed by recommendations joint policies and action plans, at transnational and macro-regional level, for future programs and initiatives.
For more information, research and development laboratories, certification centers, high-tech startups and academic spin-offs.
Friuli Innovazione Società consortile a responsabilità limitata Via Jacopo Linussio, 51 - 33100 Udine Tel (+39) 0432 629911 - Email P. IVA 02159640305 - C.F. 94070140309 fondo consortile € 3.696.000
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