CAB - Acceleratore d'impresa transfrontaliero per le Strategie di Specializzazione Intelligente

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The Interreg Italia-Slovenia CAB project – An Italian-Slovenian cross-border business acceleratoris a two-yearly initiative (total value of 1.3 million Eurospromoted by Friuli Innovazione – which is the creator and leader – together with the Slovenian ABC business accelerator. The consortium also includes the Universities of Trieste, Venice and Capodistria, the Slovenian Chamber of Commerce and two innovative SMEs in the ICT sector, i.e. Gruppo Euris Srl and Smart Com doo.

CAB will define an acceleration program aimed at making the companies in the Program Area (the FVG region, the province of Venice and the Slovenian border statistical regions) more competitive on international markets, favouring the social-economic growth of the area and, above all, creating new jobs in the medium term.

The distinctive and original feature of CAB is the cross-border approach that will be used to develop business tools to be offered to startups and innovative SMEs so that the features of the two markets can be exploited: Slovenia as a test market and Italy as a scale-up market. By combining the knowledge gained and the advantages of operating in both markets, the companies participating in the CAB project will be able to create an effective cooperation network with the R & D facilities present in the area and be prepared for the global market.


  • Friuli Innovazione, Lead Partner
  • ABC Accelerator (Lubiana)
  • Università Cà Foscari – Dipartimento di Management (Venezia)
  • Università Primorska- facoltà di Management (Capodistria)
  • Università degli Studi di Trieste
  • Camera di Commercio e dell’Industria Slovena
  • SMART COM d.o.o.
  • Gruppo Euris S.p.a.


  • Dissemination and transfer of R&D results to businesses by the research institutes: a series of studies and analyses on the best and worst practices regarding business acceleration programs in the three regions of the Program Area (VE, FVG and SLO). The aim is to better understand the reasons for the limited results achieved by public policies supporting businesses, the real effectiveness and perceived usefulness of the services provided for business acceleration.
  • Creation of an Italian-Slovenian cross-border program for business acceleration: the Cross-border Acceleration Bridge (CAB) is based on a bottom-up and complementary approach in the Program Area. It aims at identifying and supporting the creation and growth of 20 start-ups and innovative projects of SMEs with high technological potential, identified through public tenders.
  • Experimentation of the new CAB acceleration program carried out in two test rounds: the first will be dedicated to start-ups; the second to innovative projects proposed by mature SMEs. Experimentation is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed model from the point of view of both the operators - mainly the partners responsible for its implementation - and the beneficiaries.

Start date and end date

2/10/2017 – 1/10/2019

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For more information, research and development laboratories, certification centers, high-tech startups and academic spin-offs.