ATLAS - Adriatic Cultural Tourism Laboratories

 - 0.00  - 1 2023  - Jan 1 2023  - 0.00

The ATLAS project, co-funded under the Cross-border Cooperation Program  INTERREG V A ITALIA-CROAZIA 2014-2020  Standard+ Call for Proposals, aims at contributing towards enhancing the cultural and natural heritage and the development of a culture-based economy through digital tourism and its supporting ecosystem. The goal will be pursued through the implementation of services dedicated to strengthening the expertise, knowledge and innovative tools that will be integrated into the platform developed within the SMARTINNO project.

Leveraging on the results of SMARTINNO, and in particular on the collaboration platform between innovation stakeholders, as well as coaching and mentoring services provided for the benefit of innovative companies (especially those operating in the cultural and creative, audiovisual and digital tourism industry sectors), the intention is to implement a series of services aimed at encouraging the digital transformation of businesses and cultural tourism operators, enhancing the heritage of the territories and encouraging the adoption of new business models.

At a local level, working groups will be set up based on the "living labs" model that are able to bring together and integrate multidisciplinary skills (tour operators and operators in the cultural and creative sector, technology providers, tourism promotion agencies) in order to identify innovative solutions and encourage a new entrepreneurship based on cultural heritage.
The aim of the project is to promote sites of particular cultural value in the Adriatic area, favouring accessibility through innovative technologies (virtual visits, increased businesses and 3D) that will allow a greater and better use of cultural heritage.


  • Friuli Innovazione (LP)
  • SIPRO, Agenzia di Sviluppo della Provincia di Ferrara, Italia
  • IDA, Agenzia di Sviluppo della Regione Istria, Croazia
  • TECNOPOLIS, Italia
  • Distretto culturale PUGLIA CREATIVA, Italia
  • Università di Pula, Croazia
  • Unioncamere Veneto, Italia
  • STEPRI, Parco scientifico e tecnologico di Rijeka, Croazia



  • Analysis and identification of the program area stakeholders, mapping of the skills and potentials of the pilot areas; 
  • Definition of a specialised Content Management platform for the creation of cultural paths that are freely accessible by the stakeholders of cultural tourism and creative industries;
  • Training workshops to strengthen managerial skills, ICT, marketing and brands addressed to cultural tourism operators;
  • Evaluation and development of innovative ideas/tools related to cultural tourism;
  • Promotion of 12 cultural tourism sites in the program area;
  • Creation of a task force with Policy Makers at a regional level to ensure compliance with regional tourism promotion policies and sustainability at the end of the project.

Reference target

  • Local, regional and national public authorities
  • Subjects that manage Cultural and Natural Heritage / Owners of assets
  • Regional and local development agencies
  • Businesses (cultural and creative, ICT, digital)
  • Cultural and tourist associations


  • Total project buget: 964,933.48 euros
  • ERDF project budget: 820,193.44 euros
  • Friuli Innovation budget: € 170,715.00

Year: 2018

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For more information, research and development laboratories, certification centers, high-tech startups and academic spin-offs.